
Machine games:

Tens Or Better

Videopoker je igrica, u kojoj Igrač treba da sakupi karte uparujući jednu od dobitnih kombinacija.
Igrica se igra sa regularnim špilom od 52 karte.

Videopoker "Desetke ili bolje"

Pobednički sto

Kombinacija Opis Plaćanja
Rojal Fleš As, Kralj, Kraljica, Džek i deset od istih 250 : 1
Strejt Fleš 5 konsekutivnih karata iste boje 50 : 1
Četiri iste vrste Četiri iste karte istog ranka i jedna uobičajena 25 : 1
Ful haus Tri karte istog ranka i dve od drugih 9 : 1
Fluš Pet karata iste boje 6 : 1
Strejt 5 konsekutivnih karata različite boje 4 : 1
Tri iste Tri karte istog ranka i dve uobičajene karte 3 : 1
Dva para Dva para karata istog ranka 2 : 1
Desetke ili bolje Par karata istog ranka ne manje od 10 1 : 1

Cilj igre
Videopoker je igrica, u kojoj Igrač treba da sakupi karte uparujući jednu od dobitnih kombinacija. Igrica se igra sa regularnim špilom od 52 karte.

Opis Mašine
Na vrhu Mašine postoji Pobednički sto (isplata zavisi od broja opklada Igrača - od 1 do 5). U centralnom delu igrač može da vidi svoje karte. Odmah pod kartama možete da pronađete pet tastera, koji mogu da se koriste da zaključate karte koje želite da zadržite. Na samom dnu mašine postoje dva tastera “+” i ”-”, koje omogućavaju prilagođavanje iznosa za klađenje.
Postoji takođe tri kontrole:

  • One Bet - omogućava opkladu;
  • Deal - počinje nova igra ako je prethodna završena ili se karte menjaju (osim onih koje su zadržane) ako je igra u toku ;
  • Max Bet - omogućava maksimum broj opklada (5) odabrane vrednosti.

Inicijalna minimum opklada se vrši automatski. Koristeći tastere možete ili da povećate ili smanjite opkladu. Da biste započeli igricu treba da kliknete na “Deli” taster.
Igrač može da ima od 1 do 5 opklade. Pa, totalna suma opklade ne može da bude manje od 0.10 i više od 0.50.

Nakon opklade, Igrač pritiska “Deli” taster da otvori primarnu kombinaciju od pet karata. Pošto je pogledao karte Igrač odlučuje koju od njih da zadrži a koju od njih da menja kako bi sakupio dobitnu kombinaciju. Da biste zadržali kartu treba da kliknete na dugme ispod te karte. Ako se igrač predomisli, treba da klikne na to dugme ispod te karte još jednom.
Kada su odabrane karte, Igrač pritiska taster “Deli” taster još jednom i dobija nove karte, umesto onih koje nije odabrao.

Napomena: Igrač može da promeni karte samo jednom tokom igre. Ako je podeljena pobednička kombinacija u prvom deljenju, mašina će odmah ubrzati Igrača da zadrži karte. Ako Igrač ne želi da zadrži ove karte, on može da klikne ili na kartu ili na taster ispod i akcija će biti otkazana.
Ako Igrač ima pobedničku kombinaciju, on može ili da uzme isplatu odmah kada pritisne “Sakupi” taster, koji se pojavljuje na mašini, ili da nastavi igricu. Za ovo on treba da pritisne taster “Duplo” na mašin ponovo. Nakon što Igrač dobija pet karata, jedan od njih se deli sa licem gore, druga sa licem dole. Igrač bi trebao da pogodi koja karta od četiri je veća nego ona koja je otvorena. On pritiska taster pod izabranom kartom a ako je u pravu, njegov dobitak će biti dupliran. Ako Igrač pogodi netačno, on će izgubiti sve dobitke. Ako obe karte imaju istu vrednost, igrač dobija svoje inicijalne dobitke. Dupliranjem, dva je najmanja karta, a As je naviša. Ostalo nema vrednost.

You can play Tens Or Better either for fun (Play Demo) or for real money (Play). Play and win!

* to play for real money you need to register first. It takes only several seconds to register.


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Golden Leprechauns

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Safari Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Fruit Fortune

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Crazy Guttler

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Golden Lemon

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Sea Treasures

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Circus Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Champions Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Magical Reels

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Russian Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Pirate Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Booze Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Panther Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Vampire Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Monkey Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Antarctic Voyage

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Knight's Honor

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Gladiator's Arena

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Cosmic Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Tattoo Shop

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Underwater World

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Queen of the Desert

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Gold Mining

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Farm Fortune

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Forest of Magic

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Faberge Thief

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Merry Christmas

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Double Diamond

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Moto Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Guns Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Racing Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Zodiac Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Agent Max Cash

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Banzai Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Cubana Tropicana

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Pink Panther

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Zombiezee Money

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Aircraft Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Elvis The King

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Mad Scientist

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Viva Mexico

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Funky Taxi

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Flowers Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Crime City

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Love Machine

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Troll's Stash

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Glam Life

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Baywatch Slots

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Silent Run

You need to get one of winning symbol combinations in lines by spinning the reels.
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Joker Poker

Videopoker je igrica, u kojoj Igrač treba da sakupi karte uparujući jednu od dobitnih kombinacija.
Igrica se igra sa regularnim špilom od 52 karte.
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Jacks Or Better

Videopoker je igrica, u kojoj Igrač treba da sakupi karte uparujući jednu od dobitnih kombinacija.
Igrica se igra sa regularnim špilom od 52 karte.
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